Curly Hairstyles 2023

The 2021 hairstyle trends are predicting a revival – the year of curls! Reason enough to look for the most beautiful curly hairstyles! We’ll also show you the best products and styling tips for your curls.
With the right cutting technique, you can loosen thick, heavy hair. Curls that are cut step by step don’t look that fast and are easier to style.
Ideally, dry curls. Because moisture makes hair heavy and stretchy. This makes it relatively difficult for the hairdresser to predict how much length to take.
Use a wide toothed comb instead of a brush to detangle the curls. Do not brush waves or fluff your hair with this. Coarse combs break the curls into larger sections. This way they fall more clearly and maintain their natural momentum.
By the way: curls look particularly beautiful when you air dry your hair. Dab 1-3 nut-sized curls balm onto damp hair for a vibrant swing.
If you want to use a hair dryer: work in a heat shield beforehand and use a diffuser attachment. This blows the air evenly and gently through the hair.

The form in which the hair grows from its follicle depends on the cross-section of the hair root. If this is ovally curved, the hair emerges at an angle and grows in an arc. It curls itself – and the typical curls emerge.

Curly hair is usually very dry and has a rather porous hair structure. Therefore, the hair is particularly sensitive. Harmful influences such as heat can put a lot of strain on them and can lead to hair breakage or split ends.

Match your care range to the special structure of your hair. Shampoo and conditioner for dry hair with an anti-frizz effect best meet the requirements of this hair type. They are rich and intensify hair shine.

Daha fazla nem almamak için saçınızı ılık suyla yıkayın.
Şampuandan sonra, zengin bir saç kremi veya bırakma işlemi pürüzlü yüzeyi pürüzsüzleştirir. Sonraki dolaşık açma daha kolaydır ve saçlar parlar.

Haftada bir güzellik planında şımartan bir saç maskesi vardır. Hindistan cevizi veya badem yağı içeren sargılar idealdir.

Curls have a lot of root volume. As a result, the skin oil produced on the scalp does not reach the lengths. Unfortunately, this means that curly hair dries out faster and reacts sensitively to mechanical stimuli. The solution: gentle styling and moisture-intensive care.

Frizzy hair differs from curly or simply wavy hair in the intensity of the frizz. It takes extra care and attention

Straighten frizzy hair? Heat strains the hair and causes structural damage. If the curls do need to get out, it is best to use a steam hair straightener. This pulls out the ringlets very gently with the help of steam.